

To disregard something means to ignore it or not give it the attention it might deserve. When you disregard something, you overlook it or treat it as unimportant. This can apply to advice, rules, or even someone’s feelings.

phonetic transcription: /dɪsrɪˈɡɑːrd/

word variations: disregarding, disregarded

synonyms: ignore, overlook, neglect, dismiss, discount, overpass, snub, shrug off, bypass, omit


  1. They decided to disregard the warning signs and continued on their hike.
  2. Please disregard my previous email.
  3. He showed complete disregard for her feelings.
  4. You should not disregard the advice of professionals.
  5. Disregarding traffic lights can lead to accidents.
  6. The company was fined for its disregard of environmental regulations.
  7. She chose to disregard the rumors and form her own opinion.
  8. Disregarding his health, he continued to work without rest.
  9. They were taught to disregard any distractions during the exam.
  10. His disregard for the law eventually led to his arrest.

Common questions

What is a word for disregard?

When searching for a disregard synonym, words like ignore, overlook, and neglect come to mind. Each of these alternatives shares the core notion of not giving due attention to someone or something.

What does “just disregard” mean?

The phrase “just disregard” is an invitation to omit consideration of something previously mentioned. It’s akin to saying, “Please ignore this.” It simplifies communication, allowing the speaker to correct themselves or deemphasize a point without much ado.

What does it mean when someone says disregard?

Saying “disregard” is essentially a polite request to ignore or not consider the information or instructions given prior. This term is versatile, serving both as a verb and a noun to convey omission or the act of ignoring.

How do you use disregard?

Disregard in a sentence operates smoothly both as an instruction and as a descriptor. For example, “Please disregard the previous message,” showcases a direct request. Meanwhile, “His disregard for the rules was notable,” uses it as a noun to describe an attitude of neglect.

Disregard examples abound in literature and daily speech, underscoring its utility. Understanding how to pronounce disregard (/dɪs.rɪˈɡɑːd/) is crucial for effective communication. For those curious about its meaning in other languages, disregard meaning in hindi translates to अनदेखी (anadekhee), capturing the essence of overlooking or ignoring.

While “disregard” often suggests a lack of attention, it’s interesting to note its disregard antonym – acknowledge, consider, or heed – which invites us to pay attention or give importance.

In summary, whether we’re asking someone to “Please disregard” a mistake or pondering the implications of disregard in various contexts, this term serves as a powerful tool in the art of communication. Understanding its nuances not only enriches our vocabulary but also enhances our expressive capabilities.