


The ability to maintain ecological and resource balance to support long-term environmental health and human well-being.

pronunciation: /səˌsteɪnəˈbɪlɪti/

variations: endurance, viability, renewability

synonyms: sustainable, sustainably


  1. Companies aim for sustainability in their operations.
  2. Sustainability ensures future generations have resources.
  3. Local policies promote economic sustainability.
  4. Workshops teach sustainable farming techniques.
  5. Sustainability goals target climate change mitigation.
  6. Urban plans include sustainability measures.
  7. Renewable energy contributes to sustainability.
  8. Overfishing jeopardizes marine sustainability.
  9. Public education on sustainability is essential.
  10. Community projects focus on sustainability.

Common questions

What is the definition of sustainability?

Sustainability, as we define it, refers to the practice of meeting our current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. It encompasses environmental, social, and economic dimensions, aiming for a balance that ensures the planet’s longevity and prosperity. For a sustainability simple definition, think of it as the ability to sustain resources and quality of life long-term.

What are the 3 main principles of sustainability?

The three main principles of sustainability are often referred to as the triple bottom line: environmental protection, social equity, and economic viability. These principles work together to ensure that activities and decisions are sustainable from all perspectives, supporting the overall health and well-being of society and the planet, as documented in sustainability journals like MDPI Sustainability.

What are the 4 types of sustainability?

The four types of sustainability are environmental, economic, social, and cultural sustainability. Each type focuses on different aspects of sustainability: preserving natural resources, ensuring economic stability, promoting social equity, and maintaining cultural integrity. These types ensure a holistic approach to sustainability, considering all facets of human and ecological well-being.

What are the 3 pillars of sustainability?

The three pillars of sustainability, often emphasized in sustainability PDFs and literature, are environmental sustainability, economic sustainability, and social sustainability. These pillars are crucial for sustainability in business and governance, guiding principles that help to balance ecological preservation with economic growth and social welfare, providing clear examples of how sustainability can be integrated into various sectors.